Avocado rice
Avocado rice

Hey everyone, it’s Louise, welcome to my recipe site. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, avocado rice. One of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Avocado rice is one of the most popular of current trending foods in the world. It is simple, it’s fast, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions daily. Avocado rice is something that I have loved my whole life. They are fine and they look fantastic.

Pair this avocado rice side dish with tacos, steak, chicken–pretty much anything–to easily upgrade your meal. Do you have any idea what avocado rice is? Since avocado is basically in every rice bowl, we already knew we'd like the taste.

To get started with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can have avocado rice using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Avocado rice:
  1. Get cooked rice 1 bowl
  2. Get 1 avocado
  3. Take 1 egg
  4. Make ready 1 bacon
  5. Prepare 2 tablespoon seasoned seaweed
  6. Take 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  7. Prepare 2/1 teaspoon wasabi
  8. Take 2/1 tablespoon sesame oil

And…like just about everything else…this rice is unfairly good topped with a couple of fried or over easy eggs. Avocado Rice Cakes - a quick and easy plant-based snack. Made with rice cakes, sliced avocado, and a touch of soy sauce for some added saltiness. Garnish with sesame seeds and you've got.

Instructions to make Avocado rice:
  1. Slice a avocado
  2. Fry egg and bacon
  3. Put rice in the bowl
  4. Put another ingredient in the bowl

Creamy avocado and briny crab make this easy fried rice delicious and colorful. There are a lot ways to tell whether an avocado is ready to eat or not. One of the most reliable methods I've found is to try. Rinse the rice in a sieve until the water runs clear. Scatter the sesame seeds, spring onions, chilli and coriander over the salmon and avocado, then serve with the.

So that’s going to wrap it up with this special food avocado rice recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I’m confident that you can make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!